Autodesk inventor 2013 error 0xc0000142
Autodesk inventor 2013 error 0xc0000142

autodesk inventor 2013 error 0xc0000142

autodesk inventor 2013 error 0xc0000142

Please make sure you read the comments below, Autodesk have fixed this issue. I can’t get Inventor 2014 to launch at all, along with Inventor trashing Windows Explorer (Although everything seems to work when using the windows forms within an application), I will be regressing back to plain old Windows 8 for the time being. I’ll post back here with any revelations or fixes. For now I’m going to go away and decide if I’m going to persevere with the problem, uninstall Inventor permanently (unlikely) or format my PC and return to Windows 8 RTM. In the meantime I hope either Microsoft or Autodesk release a fix to deal with this sooner than that. Obviously Windows 8.1 Preview isn’t supported by Autodesk, but hopefully the final released of 8.1 will be. Image path: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Inventor 2013\Bin\rse.dll

autodesk inventor 2013 error 0xc0000142

The important part of the error is as follows:įAILURE_ID_HASH_STRING: um:application_fault_e06d7363_rse.dll!rsetxnbulletin::setdefunct Unfortunately I’ve not been able to generate a dump file yet to assess if the Inventor 2014 issue is identical to the one confirmed with Inventor 2013 on this forum post, thank you to those guys for troubleshooting the problem and sharing it with everyone online. I currently don’t have a fix for the problem, I’ll post back here if I do, in the meantime I uninstalled Inventor 2014 to confirm the problem would go away and sure enough it does. This problem isn’t restricted to just Inventor 2014 but has been reported with Inventor 2013 as well. Microsoft released a fix pretty quickly for the AutoCAD issue within the first round of their updates for the Preview, I hope they or Autodesk release a fix for this one fairly quickly. I was aware there have been a number of application compatibility issues, including one with AutoCAD but decided to go for it anyway.

Autodesk inventor 2013 error 0xc0000142 install#

This weekend I thought I’d take a risk and install Windows 8.1 Preview.

Autodesk inventor 2013 error 0xc0000142